
ankeichi saxon

To all those who wonder and question about my aspects and point of view in life,
I don't have to explain everything 'cause it's just no use.
I soar alone, nothing more, nothing less, just me and myself.
Keep your ridiculous senseless opinions,'cause there's nothing you can do about it.
I raise my middle finger as a flag to all those who tries to desecrate my beliefs.
Screw your books,and your goddamn philosophies in life,w/c is just no fucking use to penetrate me.
Obviously, I am a goddamn atheist. So fucking what?
Everything has been penned down about my nature.
So bite your tongue before you speak another word 'cause you'll never know what lies at the end before the "period" comes.
My room is not welcome to any kinds of bullshit agendas, nor so called "cults".
Like I said,"Nothing more, nothing less, but just me and myself".
I hate it when people just shove their stupid pointless "state of beliefs" into my fucking face, w/c is just too ironically shallow to argue with.
What can I say? Old fucking books.
Grow up, blind ones!
To all the viewers who just can't relate their "minds" and got offended by my words,
"RUST IN PEACE",gormless ones!

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